Pennsylvania State USBC

Board Application and Requirements

Board of Director Application and Requirements

Director Application          Fill-in Director Application

A candidate for the board (elected or appointed) must be:

1.    Adult.
       a.    A USBC member in good standing at the time of election and throughout their term.
       b.    Youth.  USBC youth members bowling in USBC Leagues within the association’s jurisdiction.

Individuals eighteen (18) years old and over must be compliant with RVP requirements prior to working with youth or within 45 days of the start of their term, whichever occurs first and throughout their term.

2.    Elected or appointed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or age, other than the minimum age of 14, unless state laws mandate a specific age, and be reasonably representative of the members.
       a.    Any member of the board authorized to sign contracts or acting as a signatory on association accounts must be a minimum age of 18.
       b.    A maximum of three bowling center proprietors may serve on the board at one time. A proprietor is an individual who is the owner, partner, or corporate officer of a bowling center or group of bowling centers. Excluded from the definition of proprietor is an individual who owns 25% or less of the equity shares, or who is inactive in the management of the bowling center and remains so during a term as an officer or director.

Additional eligibility requirements, if any, are to be approved by the board and delegates.

         Must be a member in good standing of the Pennsylvania State USBC at the time of election and throughout their term.
         Must successfully complete registration in the Registered Volunteer Program.
         A local Association can have no more than two of its members serving on the Board of Directors.
